It’s a New Year to Soar, Can You Help Me Help You?

After years of chronic illness I will be re-starting my business in 2019. So as of now I have nothing to sell but am in the research phase of my business. I would so appreciate any women who are in a current job search or completed a recent one and landed a new job who could help me by taking a quick survey.
I want to create workshops based on what you say you need and want, and what you are worried and curious about.
What’s my mission? I want to help women (really age 40+) find new jobs faster and easier!
Many years ago, I watched too many of my friends’ mothers who were homemakers forced into poverty after or divorce or the death of their spouse. My own mother was saved from such a fate because she insisted on having a profession, and her career choice as a teacher rewarded her with a lifetime pension.
I am setting out to create a virtual school to teach women the skills they needed for a lifetime of changing and finding new jobs. Before my illness I taught these 2-3 day workshops “live”. I worked as an outplacement trainer for the top firm that was hired by a company who had laid off their employees. We would teach them the best methods to find a new job.
My vision is that women will emerge from my online workshops with knowledge of how to play the “job search game” and win it over and over throughout their career journey. They whip up their resumes, sail through the job search, nail the interview and negotiate with confidence the job they want and DESERVE.

I foresee women in my community constantly reaching out to newcomers and mentoring other women and sharing their own stories from successful job hunting. I will be thrilled to offer free content and help to members who are looking for a job.
So I need to hear your voices: what is working (or worked) in your job hunt, where do you feel confident and what frustrates you to no end?

It’s a super short 6 questions survey, plus first name and age (no emails needed, I am not marketing to you, I just want to focus on what is needed.)

Thank you so much! Just click the link…


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